Worshiping Mother Earth


Here is a quote from FRIENDS OF MOTHER EARTH

“We are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated forms. All forms of exploitation, abuse and contamination have caused great destruction to Mother Earth.

Today nature is treated as property under the law. Nature has no standing and therefore, cannot be represented directly in a court of law. Our goal is for nature to have rights just like humans and even corporations have. We want humans and corporations to value nature as a living being in all its life
forms with the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles rather than being seen as property -- a resource to be consumed.”

This is followed by a plea to have Mother Earth given legal standing so that we can be sued in a court of law for disturbing Nature.

Think of that when you pull up a weed out of your flower garden - or drive over gravel in your driveway.


It is indeed an honor and privilege to live in a country that was founded on the

principles of Judeo-Christian heritage. As a caring and charitable people, our

desire is to care for our environment and fellow citizens. There is, however, an

alarming movement in this country that we feel we must bring to your attention,

an Eco-Spiritual movement that is a well crafted mixture of science and


This movement is called "GAIA" and it is at the root of today's environmental

policies! This pantheistic religion holds that all of earth and nature IS god, and is

comprised of MANY gods and goddesses. This science/religion can be credited to

James Lovelock, a NASA consultant from the 1960's.


Dr. Michael Coffman, president of Environmental Perspectives says, "They are

instituting a new religion. But it is a religion at sharp variance with the Judeo-

Christion foundations of the American Constitutional Republic." A document

mandated by the U.N. sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global

Biodiversity Assessment, explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that has set

humans "apart from nature" a process in which nature has "lost its sacred


The document states, " Conversion to Christianity has therefore meant an abandonment

of an affinity with the natural world for many forest dwellers, peasants, fishers all over

the world...The northeastern hilly states of India bordering China and Myanmar

supported small scale, largely autonomous shifting cultivator societies [until the] 1950's.

These people followed their own religious traditions that included Agenda 21setting

apart between 10% and 30% of the landscape as sacred groves and ponds."

And how does this affect you and me? The Endangered Species Act, The U.N.

Biodiversity Treaty, and the President's Council on Sustainable Development all

are a result of the Gaia Hypothesis of saving "Mother Earth". Our deepest

concern is how this is being implemented in our counties, state and country. It

has come to us through a policy called Agenda 21 and is intertwined in the

Convention of Biological Diversity.

Sue Sadler
